Instagram has discontinued the Basic Display API as of November 30, 2024. This new version uses the new Instagram API. To work, your Instagram account must be a Business or Creator account. If it is not already, you must change it in your preferences.
This free module for Prestashop allows you to display the latest photos of your news feed Instagram on the home page of your Prestashop store
The new Instagram API is much more rigorous. The token is automatically regenerated by the module. But this can affect the performance of your home page. If you refresh every hour, the module will call the Instagram API every hour to extend the lifetime of the token. We therefore strongly recommend that you configure the module on a daily refresh ;-)
See how we manage your personal data and our privacy policy in the module.
Simplified configuration of the module in Prestashop. Just log in to your Instagram account and authorize the module and that's it! :-)
For the proper operation of the free Bloc Photo Instagram module the following PHP modules are required:
The free Instagram Photo Block module allows you to add a slider with the latest photos from your Instagram account, on the front page of your Prestashop store, in a slider.
You have the option to update the Instagram Photo Block automatically every hour or day, choose the size and number of photos to display.
Easily customizable with the Instagram API, just fill in your Instagram access keys in the module settings. The module makes it possible to directly generate the token via the API, for a simplified configuration.
Version 1.6.0: New Instagram API, Basic Display abandoned
Version 1.5.3: New languages Italian, Polish
version 1.5.2: Support Presta 8
version 1.5.1: implementation of new Meta app
version 1.5.0: crop non-square images if imagemagik is not installed
version 1.4.5: test allow_url_fopen
version 1.4.4: Added API testing
version 1.4.3: removal PHP warning variable not initialized
version 1.4.2: optimization
version 1.4.1: removal PHP warning variable not initialized
version 1.4.0: removal of PHP warning and manual token entry
version 1.3.5: backward compatibility PS 1.6.0.xx
version 1.3.4: fixed js bug
version 1.3.3: hide video display
version 1.3.2: code optimization
version 1.3.1: rating management
version 1.3.0: long live token management