You have a Prestashop shop with many products, when you regenerate images you come across a blank page or a timeout error?
Our image regeneration module (imageregenerator) allows you to work around this known problem on shared hosting, compatible with Prestashop 8.
Regenerate images (products, categories, brands...) with a simple click with our Prestashop module.
No more timeouts, blank page, error 500 ... Our module uses Ajax to regenerate images.
You can also enable image tagging if the Watermark module is enabled in your e-shop.
Find our article on the regeneration of images in Prestashop
This module is based on the open source imageRegeneratorPrestashop also available on GitHub.
-- Update --
v1.3.5 - 10/08/2023 Support Prestashop 8, manage hookWatermark, transaltion Italian Polski
v1.3.4 - 23/01/2023 Suppres Warning debug mode
v1.3.2 - 03/11/2020 Fixe bug display alert in modules manager and better error reporting in ajax processing