The module Save IP customer, in order and cart allows you to record the IP address of the baskets (validated / not validated) and in orders, and customers to display the geolocation information in the back office of Prestashop.
The module Save IP customer order and cart adds a tab "Informations ip address" on order, customer and cart pages in the back office of Prestashop. This tab contains the geolocation information by ip address (IP address, Country, Region, Zip code / City, Time zone and GPS coordinates) delivered by a free geolocation web-service, or with the Prestashop geolocation by IP address if enabled.
The module can be used with internal Prestashop geolocation or IPSTACK free webservice or GEOIP webservice.
You will be able :
- Retrieve the ip address of the orders and carts validated and not validated
- Consult the position of the ip address by clicking on the link "Show in Google Maps".
- Export via Excel carts and commands with ip addresses.
Note that this module works even if Prestashop's native statistics module is disabled and is compatible with Prestashop 1.6 & 1.7.
version 1.7.2: retro compatibility for 1.6 customer view
version 1.7.1: fixed warning
version 1.7.0: add record IP on customer registration
version 1.6.1 : added translation & cloudfare support
version 1.6.0: implementation of GEOIP & Prestashop 8 compliance
version 1.5.9: Upgrade database
version 1.5.8: Modification IPSTACK API
version 1.5.7: Manage error message from IPSTACK
version 1.5.6: support Prestashop 8